All day long we pick things up, move things around, put things on shelves, get pulled and pushed every which way. We swear up and down that we will start finally going to the gym.
LIFTOFF helps even the staunchest exercise haters learn to confidently go to a gym and build strength for our everyday lives.
LIFTOFF: Couch to Barbell
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Feeling strong is life-changing. But most of us never even get the chance to experience the difference it makes, because we think strength is only for linebackers and Olympic athletes. Wrong! Strength is for everyone, and no one has more to gain from it than people who have never tried it.
LIFTOFF aims to make daily life never again feel as physically unmanageable as it does now (insert infomercial b-roll of me bobbling a suitcase as I try to put it in the overhead bin and it bursts open, intimate underthings flying everywhere). This program will help you learn how to think about strength training in new ways that are directly helpful to you. If squats hurt your knees, or doing any lifting strains your lower back, that’s not because you are not meant to do these things; it probably means no one ever taught you the basics of how to do them properly. LIFTOFF is here to teach you how to do it properly.
As a Swole Woman columnist, the top two questions I am asked are “How did you get started?” and “How did you keep going?” LIFTOFF: Couch to Barbell answers both of those questions. Whether you've never tried strength training before, or feel like you've tried and failed a million times, this 12-week couch-to-lifting-weights program will take you from zero experience with using weights or being in a weight room, to confidently claiming the squat rack.
But don’t take my word for it—check out the Goodreads page and leave us a review!
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ALL about LIFTOFF: Couch to Barbell
When I wanted to start lifting weights, I was extremely excited by
the idea of short workouts that saved time using heavy weights and big muscle movements
not having to do hyper intensity circuits or cardio slogs
only working out three times a week
having a constructive, fuel-and-joy-based relationship with food, instead of dieting constantly
But every “beginner strength” program I could find was either actually a 7-minute squat-thrust HIIT workout disguised as “strength training,” or it required already being able to use a barbell. I could barely pick up a 15-pound dumbbell, let alone the seven-foot-long, 45-pound iron rod that is a barbell. And the idea of having to compete with all the intimidating people in the weight room FOR that barbell made it even worse.
I pored through dozens of forums, spreadsheets, books, and videos about learning to lift weights. I did it because I was so sick of all the “weight loss” programs, sick of HIIT circuits, and sick to absolute death of cardio. Eventually, I patched together my own little path through the woods until I got strong enough to actually start getting strong. It was an intimidating process. But it didn’t have to be.
Because of that, I’m making the thing I wished had existed when I was a wee wannabe lifter, so that more people can get started and keep going.
Lots and lots and LOTS of sources, from the New York Times to, will give you beginner “workouts." But they won’t teach you how to
make progress
build the basic and fundamental skills you need
actually create strength and functionality from nothing
LIFTOFF is not here just to make you “work up a sweat” and “burn calories” (though those things may happen!). It’s here to change your relationship to how your body works, as well as rehabilitate your ideas about what exercise and food are supposed to “do” for you.
LIFTOFF is also here to build your strength base, and give your muscles and nervous system a set of skills that belong to you. Muscle memory is real, and after LIFTOFF, it will never be as difficult again for you again to either build or maintain the level of strength or body composition that LIFTOFF will create.
In LIFTOFF, there is no:
“feeling the burn”
“pushing through the pain”
“abs in 10 days”
sweating or soreness as markers of success
weight-loss as a marker of success
<10-second micro-rests between sets
sets of 15, 20, or 50 reps
itty bitty pink dumbbells
LIFTOFF is broken into three Phases for 12 total weeks of programming:
Phase One is the Bodyweight Phase, with body weight/no-weight versions of five basic movements. Every session is the same, three times a week.
Phase Two is the Dumbbell Phase, which builds on the movements from Phase One, and adds in dumbbells. Instead of doing the same movements each session, Phase Two alternates two different days (A and B) of three movements over three days per week (e.g. Day A Monday, Day B Wednesday, Day A Friday, Day B Monday, and so on).
Phase Three is the Barbell Phase, with movements that build on the previous two phases, except now we’re throwing a barbell in. By this time, you will have built enough strength to handle an empty (45lb) barbell. Phase Three alternates two different days (A and B) over three days per week.
You can find a list of the equipment needed for each Phase in the FAQ. While it’s possible to modify much of the program for at-home use, a desire to eventually work your way to a gym and claim your rightful squat rack/bench/deadlift area is highly recommended!
While the program covers at least 12 weeks of training, you can do the last phase as long as it keeps giving you results (likely at least six total months, for most people). Any of the phases can be extended as needed, whether that's because you haven't found the right gym yet; you're still working up the courage; or you don't feel strong enough yet.
If you have an existing athletic hobby, like running or rock climbing, LIFTOFF is designed to work as part of an "off-season" where you can spend a limited amount of time developing a strength base that will pay off within your sport as well as your daily life. When you're done with LIFTOFF, you can keep cross-training, or scale it all the way back. Either way, the strength you built is yours forever.
This isn’t just an e-book. This package includes:
The book includes:
- A spreadsheet template at the end of the book with 12 weeks of programming laid out phase by phase
- Fueling and recovery advice
- Warm-up instructions and tips for all phases
- What basic strength training does for your body, mind, and soul that every workout you’ve done before does not (even if it called itself “strength training” or “weight lifting”!), including diagrams explaining what you might not know about “weight loss” and “body recomposition”
- In-depth explanations of strength training terms (barbell, dumbbell, “progressive overload,” deadlifts, clips, failure, and more)
- The value of building a "strength base” for everyone, whether you are a staunch non-exerciser, runner, rock climber, dancer, or pursue any other athletic hobby
- A lengthy FAQ section that covers what to do if you:- are sore
- miss a day or several days
- are scared of gyms
- struggle with progress
- are afraid to take a break from cardio and/or dieting
- and more!
As well as:
—Exclusive access to snack-sized, info-packed instructional videos for each lift created by the author. The videos are ad-free, and short enough for between-set refreshers (with text cues on-screen, in case you can’t hear in the gym/don’t have your headphones!)
I am not a gorilla juicehead; do I have to be strong in order to do this?
No! The whole point is that you are not already strong, but can become stronger, because all of us can.
Do I have to be fit in order to do this?
For liability and safety reasons, your doctor should agree that you are generally equipped to do exercise.
What if I do another sport or activity?
We will cover that. You can still do this. If you have an existing athletic hobby, like running or rock climbing, LIFTOFF is designed to work as part of an "off-season" where you can spend a limited amount of time developing a strength base that will pay off within your sport as well as your daily life. When you're done with LIFTOFF, you can keep cross-training, or scale it all the way back. Either way, the strength you built is yours forever.
Do I HAVE to learn to use a barbell/Can I just do the first two phases?
Not technically, and yes, respectively! The first two phases of this program will teach you how to confidently handle dumbbells (the handheld weights) and do foundational, functional movements with them. You can also keep doing each phase as long as you like.
I’m scared of gyms. Can I still do this?
One of the goals of this program is to get you ready to enter the Big Weights room with confidence and an air of quiet power. I will not arrest you if you never go to a gym, but if you’ve always aspired to NOT be scared, this could be the opportunity you’ve been looking for to face your fears.
You can technically buy any of the gym equipment needed and use it in your house (for instance, a set of adjustable dumbbells and one superband will take you through Phase Two), but weights tend to be pricey. A good strength training gym will probably be more cost-effective, and there are tips in here for finding one.
Can I do this if I’m a man?
Are you being serious?
[slighter smaller voice] Yes.
Dear boy! I’ve had no choice but to do things designed “for men” all of my natural born life. But there is nothing gender-specific about this program.
Can I do this if I’m on a weight-loss diet?
No, probably not. This is not a weight-loss program. Getting stronger requires that you eat. I am technically unable and unavailable to arrest you for this, either, but nothing will work if you don’t eat enough food.
What if I don’t want to become bulky?
If you manage to become "bulky" on this program, please email me. I am duty-bound bound to elevate your case to the National Institute of Health for study.
No. But please don’t fret about this. I’ll explain why.
You say this is not a weight-loss program, but what if I DO want to lose weight?
No offense meant, but you probably don’t, as I explain in this piece. And even if you do, quite possibly the best way to get started is to first form good, basic, constructive eating/exercise habits, which is what building your “strength base” with LIFTOFF will do. LIFTOFF will also help undo damage done to your muscle by too much aggressive dieting and “weight losing” for too long. Once you have that strength base, you will be well-equipped to fulfill many different fitness and body goals.
Can I read this book on a Kindle device?
You can! See the FAQ for more.
Some technical aspect of this isn’t working, and/or I have more questions!
Please see the main FAQ. If your question isn’t answered, email
About Casey
Casey has been bringing the joys of lifting weights to the people since 2016 by writing her beloved health advice column, Ask A Swole Woman, at The Hairpin, VICE, and Self Magazine. Casey has worked for over a decade as a science and tech journalist and editor, and has written for outlets including the New York Times, the New Yorker, The Awl, and Hazlitt. She loves lifting. She looOOooves lifting.
Casey holds a bachelor’s degree in applied physics from the Columbia University engineering school, and an NASM certification in personal training.
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The Phase One workout is only 14 minutes, with 30-second rests between sets.
“In a deeper way, though, Johnston thinks building strength is a way to create an entirely different kind of relationship with your body. When tackling some of the thorniest questions in fitness—should I be doing cardio? Should I be eating carbs? What should my body look like?—the answer for Johnston can almost always come from asking “What would help you get stronger?” It’s the key that opens every door.”
— GQ
Praise for LIFTOFF
[My partner] and I bought/did LIFTOFF based on [Casey’s] appearance on Chris' Hayes’ podcast and holy shit… improved our lives tremendously.
—DC Pierson, comedian, author, and actor
I started LIFTOFF still afraid of the weight section at the gym and discouraged by exercise culture… LIFTOFF helped me feel confident, and I knew my form would keep me safe and strong. Where I've seen the most changes practically are in my day-to-day life. It is easier for me to walk up a hill, to stand up from the ground, or to lift my dog's ridiculous 60lb bag of dog food and carry it down the hall.
— Kelsey McKinney, Normal Gossip co-host, Defector co-founder and writer
Six months ago I started doing the beta version of LIFTOFF with what I would describe as negative strength (I was genuinely sore just from moving my own bodyweight around all the time) and today I just deadlifted 82.5kg, which is apparently what a black bear weighs.
—Sasha Sienna, game designer
I’m on week 10 of LIFTOFF and I’ve legit never felt hotter and also I can lift my suitcase into the above-seat storage on Metro North. My gym time is just 30 minutes 3x a week of me feeling myself in the mirror.
—Alex Sujong Laughlin, writer and audio producer
It was stumbling upon the “Ask a Swole Woman” articles that really lit a fire in me. And now I’m pretty sure there’s no going back! I stayed in the body weight portion an extra 2 weeks or so because of gym intimidation. BUT, I pulled myself together and finally just did the damn thing, and now here I am, a barbell convert and going to bed at night excited about the next day’s workout.
— Steph, She’s A Beast subscriber
I loved walking around extremely happy and feeling good all the time. Literally I felt high. I loved when I started sleeping through the night with no back aches. I loved how excited I was to get to start the next workout, just couldn't wait.
— Beth, She’s A Beast subscriber
I signed up for Casey Johnston’s LIFTOFF program (it's very good by the way) and today is the THE FIRST GD DAY, and some nosy man came over to correct my form (I DIDN'T NEED IT) and I yelled at him which he accepted so now I have a new gym friend who is afraid of me. LIFTOFF works!
—Scaachi Koul, BuzzFeed senior culture writer
In a deeper way, though, Johnston thinks building strength is a way to create an entirely different kind of relationship with your body. When tackling some of the thorniest questions in fitness—should I be doing cardio? Should I be eating carbs? What should my body look like?—the answer for Johnston can almost always come from asking “What would help you get stronger?” It’s the key that opens every door.
More from the She’s A Beast community:
“It’s very user-friendly! I have done cardio and very sporadic weight machines and bodyweight workouts/HIIT before, but this is my first time using actual weights, and I appreciate that this is truly for beginners. I also like that this is very focused on strength as opposed to appearances and not a thinly-veiled weight loss program. I like the ‘days off are okay and necessary’ approach a lot, and hope it catches on more broadly!”
“I like how there were concrete steps to follow. It was very easy for me to come up with a workout plan for myself involving cardio, but coming up with a weightlifting plan felt much more intimidating. Liftoff took the pressure off trying to figure out something on my own.”
“I love how simple the programming is—really makes it easy to jump in without needing a ton of equipment right away.”
“Thanks for all you do! I was able to carry a gallon of milk, an 18 pack of beer and a 6 pack from the store to my car today all while wrangling my toddler! 💪🏼”
Follow @couchtobarbell on Instagram!
Want to connect with other folks starting their LIFTOFF journey and stay motivated? Follow us here!
Praise from Casey’s DMs for her work
“Your focus on eating to get stronger and being strong vs being thin was exactly what I needed to hear.”
“I want to say from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am for your explanation of body recomposition. After a long period of illness/a horrible burn/spinal surgery I lost 5 stone, but was desperately weak and in constant pain and began lifting. For a long time it was a huge emotional challenge for me to EAT LOTS and not get smaller in order to build muscle and you were super instrumental in my understanding that this was ESSENTIAL. So thank you. Love from someone who had emergency spinal surgery and after 6 months of training can now deadlift 70kg :)”
“I’ve recently realized, with help from your page, that I have very unhealthy relationship with food and my body. Your information and honesty have been so helpful. I’m actually eating now, and although it’s genuinely terrifying to me, I feel a little more empowered every time I check your latest posts.”
“Thank you for Ask a Swole Woman. It’s so great to read about lifting from someone in a normal tone of voice, not some pumped-up hunk who screams about gainz. I was never the kind of man people expected me to be – I was never strong or risk-loving. I would never have thought that lifting was for me (because it’s only those big scary guys who do it) and never would have thought that I’d enjoy being strong.”
“As I started reading your columns, everything just clicked for me. Your focus on eating to get stronger and being strong vs. being thin was exactly what I needed to hear. Over time, my perspective has changed immensely. Thank you, truly and sincerely, for sharing your wisdom and experience with the world. I’m certain I’m not the only one to whom you’ve made a difference.”
“You have no idea how many times I was about to skip the day's lifting work but still went and did whatever I could after seeing you doing it.”
“I have followed you for years and years and because of you have been lifting and eating pancakes in the same morning and I appreciate you giving encouragement for women to do both.”
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Or, get a free sample of the LIFTOFF book when you sign up for the free newsletter.